deletedMay 10Liked by Sarah Shotts
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I’m pretty close to doing this myself. Thanks for the suggestion on RSS!! I wouldn’t have thought of that. I’m feeling quite frustrated with the state of Substack right now myself. I feel compelled to participate in notes because that seems to be how smaller newsletters are seen, but it’s definitely messing with my screen time and therefore my personal time to actually make art. I’ve noticed less than half of my posts seem to be reaching my subscribers inboxes…not sure why that is :/ I’ll give you a follow elsewhere just in case!

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When I deleted the app before I used Notes once or twice a week on desktop. I find it's much better for my brain than the endless daily scroll. Sometimes we think it has to be all or nothing when there are plenty of other options out there.

I find that Substack growth often trickles in even when I'm on a break. Recently my "Please don't call yourself an HSP" post made the rounds because one person shared it. That single share brought in more shares and a small wave of new subscribers. Whereas when I'm not on Instagram it dries up - this place doesn't seem to penalize you in that way.

I'd love to hear what you end up trying and how it goes.

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May 10Liked by Sarah Shotts

so, what about those of us who are like, "ack, rss? what? how?" I would love to get off social-style platforms like this (and I mostly am, to be fair) - but I miss these long conversation-syle comment sections! and I don't know if I want to have two rss apps on my phone! I don't even know what that means 😂 (these are the moments I feel inclined to hibernate from the world, even though I know I'll feel differently in a few months.)

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May 10Liked by Sarah Shotts

ALSO, I have noticed that I don't get many Substack emails! I didn't realize that was the fault of Substack, though. I just thought my Gmail account was being weird (which is also totally possible, in my case, because I think I have all these Substack emails going to a business account v. personal... more security or something?)

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It seems like an interaction between Google and Substack perhaps. But it happens with some emails and not others. It’s strange.

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Thanks for asking this! I’ve been considering doing an RSS for beginners video. If that would help you I’ll do it.

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May 10Liked by Sarah Shotts

yes! that would help me immensely

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I would like this please!

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I learned from Dave “here’s the link to the app” is maybe not enough. 😂 I’ll see what I can do.

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I would love this too! (Despite being one of those folks who learned web design by coding her own webpages back in the day, I never really grokked RSS, and would definitely love a video.)

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I'll work on it next week! It may be scrappy, but if I don't get perfectionist about it I should be able to make something useful.

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I’m totally fine with scrappy! (Says the recovering perfectionist.) Thanks for being willing to do this, appreciate it.

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May 10Liked by Sarah Shotts

I resonate with so much of this especially art v content. I am figuring out that flip myself.

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It's such a tricky balance!

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Ahh (pssssssst air escapes my bursting bubble) and I just got here! Thanks for the warning. I hear you. The last thing I want is more scrolling and less creating.

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Ah, welcome to Substack Lisa! It really is a lovely place here compared to lots of other platforms. I just find that I enjoy the community much more when I'm engaging in my email inbox and not the app. Have you met Claire? (Linked above.) Give her a follow if you're still learning the ropes. She's such a good Substack mentor and helps people find the way to make Substack work for them rather than the other way around. 💫

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Ahh, you’re speaking to the part of me that has resisted starting out on Substack, for some of the reasons you’ve listed (and also some insecurities about writing on the internet again, heh.)

I’ve spent the last year researching the best alternatives, how people successfully monetize newsletters, different models different artists and businesses use, etc, and I haven’t found anything that ticks all the boxes for me either.

I love Substack for discoverability, for the sense of “this is a place where many others come to connect and share their ideas and long form writing, and it seems to be ‘the place’ atm, therefore I may find others like me here too,” the people I’ve already met here, and how easy it is to get started.

Beehiiv, for ease of use, being able to compose a newsletter on my phone, and capacity to monetize through subscriptions (without the 10% loss in revenue,) as well as affiliates, ads etc, and a built in recommendations network that’s also monetizable. (Although at this point, my inner red alert goes off and I remind myself that ultimately, I want to have readers, people who enjoy my newsletter and look forward to receiving it, and get something out of it, versus only subscribers.)

I haven’t tried the Substack app yet, and I don’t really want to. I’m not a huge app user, and prefer to be in control of how I engage, where, and when, and why, versus just being deluged when I log in somewhere. (Looking at you, FB.)

Thanks for sharing your experiences and explorations in this! I’ve been considering doing both Substack and Beehiiv, but haven’t figured out how that would look for me yet. Would love to hear an update from you as you continue to explore!

Subbing to your Beehiiv too!

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Oh, I hope I haven't scared you off! Substack is still a great place for discoverability and the comments work better over here (as you found out it seems!) So long as you don't download the app it's not really noisy at all. The app is where it broke down for me. Thanks for hopping over to Beehiiv too. It's an interesting experiment and I'm curious to see how it goes.

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Not at all! It feels validating to read your pov, really, and to see you honoring what works for you and really being willing to experiment and explore to find that. It inspires me to take it all a little less seriously, and be willing to try new things.

As soon as I feel more clear on what I want to write, and who I’m writing for (other than myself,) I’ll post here. I’m looking forward to it! It’ll be nice to write long form again. (Even if I am horribly nervous about hitting publish.)

No app for me though.

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Yes! I tend to want a master plan and stick to it, but I'm learning that giving myself room to pivot helps me find MY best way. It's a different way of working, and a bit scary to try at first. But I'm finding it very life giving! Also people connect to mess more than perfection.

Let me know when you publish something so I can check it out. :)

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P.S. I just tried to leave a comment on your Beehiiv letter twice, and wasn’t able to. Both times it had me click the login button, input my email, and then click the get access link in my email. The first time it logged me in, but then logged me out as soon as I went to leave a comment. The second it just didn’t do anything. I’m not sure what’s up, but the peonies you shared are gorgeous, and I wanted to say that < 3

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Thanks for telling me! I'm already in comments with their support team. They don't seem to think there is a problem, but there clearly is. If I'm going to move permanently I need the comments to work better. I'll pass this along.

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Definitely, yeah! Hopefully they can sort it out for you.

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I’ve been really loving your new emails ❤️

And I agree with the sadness of this platform becoming more and more noisy

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It's fascinating to me how much "writing for Substack" was shaping what I was writing. I think wherever I end up I'm really happy with the shift in format. I just collect things through the week and copy / paste into the newsletter. It's taking up less time and more joyful.

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I can understand why you did it. 😊

I have to say that I rather spend my days on notes than twitter. Because twitter only fed me negative crap 😩

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Hands down! I have mixed experiences with Notes. Something about the algorithm occasionally serves up things I don't want to see (religious deconstruction, politics, weight loss health type stuff, negative discourse) and trying to block or mute it all is like playing whack a mole. But it's definitely better than other platforms and if yours is a cozy place for you that's fantastic.

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I've found that I don't think much about most of the Substacks I unsubscribed from and moved to Feedly. I'm happy with my inbox for now and know the others are there if I want them, so I'm really grateful that you've shared about this!

I also just ordered a copy of Screen Time. I'm very excited to learn about the emotional contagion scale you mentioned because I think I'm likely in a high range as well and would love to explore that idea.

And I started reading Discover Your Creative Ecosystem recently! I'm trying not to just rush through, and I really love it so far.

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I'm so glad Feedly was helpful for you! I found the same. There's something clarifying about moving publications to Feedly because you no longer have "follow to follow guilt". So it's easier to unfollow.

I'd love to hear what you think of Screen Time. The emotional contagion thing was such a big aha for me. There was a time in 2020 I was taking on the social pressure to "witness" all of the atrocities in the world. I couldn't function and had a complete mental health crisis. I couldn't understand how people could "witness" and continue to go to work and live their lives. I think we need more understanding of this so hyper empathetic people aren't beating themselves up for "looking away." We aren't helping anyone by reaching a state of shut down.

That doesn't mean I don't care about issues. I care too much. So I have to be careful in what media I engage with on a daily basis to continue to cope. It's just another way that autistics are framed as unfeeling when we are feeling more than most people and having visceral physical responses to what is purely cerebral for others. There has to be more space for the diversity of humanity without shaming people who make different choices or need different things.

I love hearing you're reading my book! Yes, take your time with it! 🐌

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Yes, the emotional contagion sounds like something I really need to learn more about, because I have high justice sensitivity(which I assume is connected) and have really been struggling to stay engaged and still function.

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Completely resonate with this. I find it helpful to try and focus on positive ways to support without feeling responsible to solve the whole situation myself (impossible) or broadcast those actions online (performative). Both traps I've fallen into in the past. Now we just quietly get on with donating, supporting fundraisers, etc. as we can. I tend to amplify posts and projects when they are generative "buy this artwork to support this cause" vs. triggering imagery, rage, and hopelessness. We've also reached a point of mass saturation so most folks are as informed as they want to be and I am not the news. (Not sure if you saw my post about that, but it's something else I keep recentering on: https://www.instagram.com/p/CQjRdnABpwI/)

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Thank you! This is helpful!

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Your Compost Heap is IMPRESSIVE. Saving it so I can copy and be inspired. I've used Notion for awhile as a sort of private note taking / journal but it just doesn't feel right all the time. Obsidian seems very cool. Also love your attitude towards this stuff. I've been mulling over Notes the last couple weeks. It's a weird thing. Whenever I post on there I get new subscribers/followers, so that's fun and cool to see people interested in my work. But I started this newsletter for me and was happy if others wanted to ride along. So I feel like I either need to have a subscriber growth mindset or a personal growth mindset. This post is making it very clear which direction is correct.

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Thank you Mitchell! I’ve always been a prolific note taker, but Obsidian is my favorite tool so far. I really love that at it’s core it’s a set of files on my own computer so I always have that as a backup. So if Obsidian goes belly up (or darkside) I still have my notes. And I love their web interface!

Definitely poke around for ideas and steal mercilessly. I’d love to see your take on it!

As for Notes I’d like to pop in occasionally... maybe once a week. But since scrolling less on IG & Substack I’ve been reading more books, taking more time with the blogs and newsletters, and feeling more inspired. It’s hard to find the right balance, but I feel like I’m getting close!

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"The right balance" is something I think about a lot. But it's probably a thing that looks different at different points in our lives (or even week to week). As long as we keep trying to find it I think we're on the right path.

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I've barely been on Notes lately and life is not any worse. I totally get where you are coming from xx

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I’d much rather spend that time reading one post deeply than scrolling through all the noise. 🤷

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I knew you’d get it Rebecca! 🥰

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Interesting viewpoint. Although I have been on Substack for a year now, and while I like the concept, I have no social media apps on my phone and I’m beginning to think like you that my use of the Substack app has to come to an end

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Everyone is different, but I’m enjoying the extra bandwidth it has created.

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I was excited to start writing here but the noise! So many talk about growth strategies just like on all the other platforms. I guess there’s still the option of staying with paper notebooks and pens.

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Or you can switch to email inbox or RSS. The app is noisy, but there are beautiful quiet corners individual writers are creating here. I’ve loved connecting with kindred spirits too much to leave completely.

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I deleted the app on my phone. I can’t deal with the overwhelm :)

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Let’s start a club. 🥰

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Ahh I freaking loved RSS back in the early days of blogging... and it's felt like substack via email gets overwhelming because I like getting to inbox zero, but I don't want to feel pressured to read quickly if I don't have time.

And OMG I love your digital garden + digital compost heap concept. I'm grabbing my shovel and joining you there :D

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Switching to RSS is a total game changer. I’m reading more posts and feeling less rushed while doing so.

And thank you! I’m a recovering perfectionist so it’s been incredibly helpful having a space that is purposefully imperfect and perpetually “under construction” (remember the GIF banners from the 90s?! 😂).

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I loved those "under construction" GIF banners and the web in general back then. Here's to doing things imperfectly and growing organically! ;)

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