Thanks for sharing how you care for yourself during a launch! I love this. I'm currently launching/promoting a writing class, and I always find marketing my own work so stressful. I'm trying to limit my time spent on it so I can also rest.

My favorite book about dinosaurs and fossils is Cruising the Fossil Freeway by Kirk Johnson, illustrated by Ray Troll. It is full of funny stories, interesting info, and gorgeous illustrations.

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The visibility and social energy it takes is a lot! I hope you find your balance of reset time. I just shared your class - it sounds great!

Thanks for sharing your favorite fossil book! I’ve opened a tab to find a used copy. Science is so cool!

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Thanks so much, Sarah! I appreciate you.

I hope you like the fossil book! Yay!

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i adore the idea of a mailed newsletter. it might cost too much however, if outside of your area.

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Are you Canada? If it keep it under 1oz it can go pretty much anywhere with a global stamp. That just rules out larger zines.

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yes, i am. good point! i did notice that mailing larger items such as books has gotten more expensive, but a few pages in a #10 envelope is not expensive at all.

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Even small books are so much! I tried an oversized zine for Neurokind and it was going to cost like $20 to post outside the US. It’s really frustrating when big companies get discounted shipping and normal people are stuck paying full price. 🫠

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I've also considered making a print version of my newsletter... But maybe just monthly? Or once a quarter? The biggest drawback for me is cost and an inability to show animation. But I could have stuff online somewhere and link to it. I would love to hear more of your thoughts if you continue thinking about this. Would it be your Substack just in print form? Would it have "exclusive" stuff? Would it be about totally different things? < Some questions I'm asking myself.

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Likewise! I've been in my own looping thoughts about this and would love to hear your thoughts. I started with replacing my pay wall with Patron letters (which I see you found.) 🥰 That has been a really nice shift which I am loving.

The idea of an analogue newsletter option came about when friends were saying they wanted to read more Substacks, but also have less screen time. So I'm specifically thinking about repackaging my newsletter into analogue form. But because I share a lot of links (as you do) it doesn't make sense to print what I've written unchanged. Even if I printed the URLs (which feels so 1990s) that's then pointing people back online who asked for an analogue experience.

At the same time, I don't want to stop sharing links or videos. So, I think that points toward the analogue newsletter being at least somewhat different. What I'm considering is compiling the written sections and some of the images into one monthly analogue version.

I'm not sure how many photographs to include and if they should be color, black and white, or try out some halftone effects with Spectrolite. (I really wish I had access to a RISOgraph.) Printer ink will be the biggest cost unless I invested in a laser printer - which now that I think about it might be a good idea. I only have an inkjet right now and the ink is crazy expensive. I also have to consider size and weight for international shipping (some of my biggest supporters are in the UK & Canada.)

I love your idea of making something special for paying supporters too. I think there's a lot of opportunity for Substackers to embrace print more - even if it is low fi / indie. It feels like a proper response to AI. Did you see The Onion is making a print version again? 👀

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I'm constantly trying to have fewer reasons to be on my phone, so I love the idea of a snail mail newsletter. And I loved the link about pseudonyms! I really believe that deciding not to use my full given name here has made me feel more brave.

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I feel lucky I grew up in the username phase of the Internet. These poor kids having to be themselves on social media before they know who they are! Even last year I tried on my enby pronouns with a pseudonym in my Wheel of Time fandom before I fully integrated them here.

My wheels are turning for an analogue newsletter!

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Aug 29Liked by Sarah Shotts

Loved this newsletter, Sarah!

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Thank you Kay! And thanks for sharing. 🥰

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Aug 30Liked by Sarah Shotts

I like zines, so I love the idea of an analogue newsletter! I like it when things are objects rather than sheer 'information'. Something about the ability to hold and play with an object to get settled into the frame of mind to learn rather than just consume. Like I rarely have the energy to cook atm, but when I do, or when I go out to an actual resturant, the food always tastes better because I'm in the frame of mind to engage with it.

Perhaps, as suggested, you could do that quarterly, so it would save on postage for people.

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All good ideas. I already have Patron letters starting at $3 a month so this would be something more longform. How that would differ from what I'm publishing here I'm not sure. But bundling to save on shipping is definitely something I'd like to offer.

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I just read your letter so I'm coming back to say I really love receiving them. I'm really interested in talking more about art, per your letter, but I wasn't sure where you'd rather talk about it (here, patreon, email, snail mail ?). I'm so excited to hear more about your novel!

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I’m so glad to hear that! I know this is not a helpful answer, but any of those. If you’d rather chat here or email don’t feel you have to send a letter. ☺️

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That is helpful! I just wanted to make sure you hadn't specifically been looking for messages from one avenue and accidentally send one from another😅

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