
RSS 101

The Holy Grail of Contemporary Internet Feeds

I wrote recently about deleting the Substack app and switching to RSS.

RSS is a reverse chronological, ad free1, feed of what you choose to follow. Basically the holy grail of contemporary internet feeds.

*cue Spamalot music*

Then you asked, “But, how?”

Here is my scrappy Beginner’s Guide to RSS. I’m sure you can find better ones on YouTube, but this walk through includes my personal thoughts on pros and cons of the apps I use.

Feedly (Apple & Android)

Net News Wire (Apple Only)

[Update November 2024] I’m doing a lot of blog reading on my Android eink reader - which has less memory than my phone or iPad, but is easy on the eyes. Feedly seemed to have a lot of bloat (including AI & occasional ads) so I’m now trying out NewsBlur which seems very lightweight, customizable, and has a dark mode. One downside is that is is Android only so I can’t check the same RSS feed across devices.

If you have any trouble leave your question below. I’m no expert, but we can probably figure it out together.

Do let me know if you found this useful and what you think of RSS if you try it out.


P.S. The creative chaos that ensued while I filmed this.


Turns out Feedly has ads. However Net News Wire for an ad free RSS experience that has no desires to become “profitable.”

(Read: On Not Taking Money for Net News Wire.)

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