I don’t even feel like I’m the same person I was an hour ago today!

I love reading rabbit hole here.

Between chats about new garden rooms, wrapping up early bird and supporting Dave to build an IKEA cabin bed (ok I held one piece) I’m glad for darkness to fall tonight. βœ¨πŸ¦„

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Of course, Alice: young me’s guidebook to life because Thoth never did give me the book of answers. I was actually looking for that exact image the other day - because it fits so many of my moments - until I got distracted (again). Never mind me, is today even the same day as it was the morning?

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You modelling jumping in before you have it all figured out is a blessing. It feels like a huge pot of balm I want to slather all over my body in the hope it helps dissolve all the opposite ways of thinking and being that still lurk under my skin :) You just doing it, is worth all the more self-help blogs and content I have read in the past advising and telling me to 'just do it.' You are an embodiment of the real thing and that is a gift to us all.

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Thank you Claire. I am always trying to figure out the β€œjust right way” to do something so this is new for me too. But it feels right. πŸ’«

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Hello again. Nice to see you, brave, disorganised, jumping in you. Since this time last year, I’ve been really ill, coming out of it now, finally named and accepted my gender apathetic non binary arse, am part way through my autism assessment instead of β€˜just’ being self diagnosed, and have actually reached out and submitted my work, and connected with a few people. I love reading what you’ve written.

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Thank you Tamsin. My pre-parent fully masked self was Super Organized so this does feel really brave. I’m glad we’re both finding ways to be more ourselves.

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Jun 27Liked by Sarah Shotts

My big butterfly-emerging-from-cocoon moment over the last 18-24 months, in terms of personal growth, has been understanding my identity as an ace person (i.e. on the asexual spectrum) and therefore in the Q or the + of LGBTQ+. I've been so welcomed into the QIA+ group at work and have done a number of pieces of work around that, and finally feel comfortable identifying as 'queer' in a way I didn't before.

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Yes! I am ace too and I used to think everyone was. It explains a lot. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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I really appreciate you being so open about your process. It makes it easier to do the things that feel most natural for mine. I loved reading about your experience with blogging. I was an almost-blogger for a long time but wasn't brave enough to take the leap, and I was always jealous of people who actually did it.

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I was a perfectionist for years, but the more I show the mess the more I connect to my creative neurodivergent peers. Every time I share the mess I get braver to do it again. The perfectionist creeps up again sometimes and I have to shake it off.

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Yes! I've found that to be the case for me, too.

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