Welcome to Self Pub 101
You’ll find all of the course content and resources linked below.
I originally created this for paid subscribers. After one year I decided to remove the paywall. If you’d like to support my work you can pledge as little as $3 a month via Patreon or become a paying subscriber here on Substack. Paid supporters get snail mail letters from me (in your actual real life mailbox) once a month.
Please remember this course is for personal use only.
Do not screenshot, share, or cite without asking my permission.
Thanks for respecting the time and energy it has taken to create this resource.
Course Content
Each module includes a short podcast. There’s also a podcast.
Some modules include journal prompts for reflection.
Others include further reading suggestions or links to resources.
Below each post is a discussion thread for questions and discussion.
You’re invited to share your own resources as well.
Each quarter there will be a creative check in. You’re invited to share your creative process and ask questions there as well.
I’d love this to become a space for community and creative exchange among self publishing authors.
My Self Publishing Journey
If you’d like to peek into my personal experience in self publishing you might want to start here. This section includes a peek at the costs and profits of my first book as well as a timeline of my self publishing process.
To Amazon or not to Amazon?
That is the question.
Before you go any further take some time to read this piece I wrote about Amazon. We each have to make the best choices we can, but the reality is that 50% of books are currently sold through Amazon (in the US). This short read includes the reasons I published outside the Amazon marketplace for my first book, and why I will be using it to reach more people for my next two books.
Part One (Making the Book)
This module will take you from the reflective space after writing a book through the publishing process for physical books, ebooks, and audiobooks.
Part Two (Selling the Book)
This module will cover the process of selling your book and telling people that it exists.
Crowdfunding 101
This is a mini course specifically for crowdfunding projects (including, but not limited to books.) Even if you don’t crowdfund your book you may find some of this information is applicable to other types of book launches.
Guest Speakers
This section includes modules by guest speakers sharing their own expertise and experience in the realm of book publishing.
Please reach out if you’d like to contribute a video or podcast.
Author Spotlights
Bonus Material
This is a section for bonus materials including a look behind the curtain at my own self publishing process.
I'm so excited to dive in 😺