Self Pub 101 (My Story & Sales Stats)
An intimate look into my experience self publishing as an indie author.
Becoming an Author
I’ve gathered together several resources for a peek behind the curtain at my self publishing process. These include:
Sales Stats
Book Costs & Profits
IG Timeline
Personal Reflection
I hope these help to demystify the self publishing process and show that you don’t need a massive following to put your book out into the world.
My Sales Stats
Every audience is unique and mine is relatively small, but dedicated. At the time of launching my book I had:
2,147 Instagram Followers
125 Email Subscribers
The number of your email subscribers who make a purchase is called a conversion rate. A “good” conversation rate is typically 2-3%.
My Indiegogo had 27 backers which was 21.6% of my mailing list at the time.
Furthermore those backers preordered a total of 36 books.
There is no magic way to know how many people will preorder your books. A large following does not equal sales. Sometimes having a strong connection with a smaller audience can work. But it all depends on how much money you’re spending to print and publish the book, which brings us to…
A more visual perspective…
And the timeline in text form…