Calling all creative mums.
Submit art and journaling prompts to be included in a creative workbook for mothers. Remember my anthology project? There is also a workbook and I need more prompts!
Find all the information below.
Ember will launch alongside Entwined: an Anthology of Creative Motherhood this autumn.
The purpose of this workbook is to inspire new mums (or mothers in any difficult season) to kindle their creativity within the spaces and capacities they have available.
This book is for any mom who wants to explore creativity: from professional artists to those who haven’t made art since childhood.
Publishing Details
This is an unpaid opportunity. For compensation you will recieve a free PDF copy for personal use (print for yourself or use on your iPad.) You will also be credited in the book and tagged throughout the crowdfunding campaign.
Creative Team
This project will be curated and published by Sarah Shotts. The cover artwork is created by Annie King. Editing by Jessica Allowski. The anthology cover art is by Twiggy Boyer. You can read more about the inspiration for this project here.
Submission Guidelines
Your best chance at being included is to submit a specific and engaging creative prompt.
Skip over self reflective journaling prompts. Think beyond asking a mum to freewrite or reflect on their “perfect day”.
Ideally I’d like to curate a workbook of unique prompts that explore a variety of themes and creative mediums.
Some ideas:
Prompts for dreaming
Prompts for making
Prompts for channeling emotions
Prompts for exploring identity
Prompts for movement
Prompts for observation
Prompts for connection
Bonus points for visual art prompts and other creative mediums.
Focus on supplies that are easily obtained: crayons, tin foil, collage, watercolors, pencils, camera phone, etc. Consider also poetry, song, dance, baking, video, voice notes, etc.
Bonus points for prompts that invite collaboration.
One of the projects that kept me going as a new mum was a photo exchange project called The Magic Mundane with Claire Venus. We’ll include that prompt in this workbook, but I’d love more ideas for collaboration (beyond photography.)
Imagine what a new mum has available and how they can make art while holding a babe.
Think of the mother sitting in their mini van waiting to pick up kids from school or by the side of the pool during her kid’s swimming lessons.
What about the family on their 10th snow day? Or the whole family is sick AGAIN?
How do we keep our creative pilot light burning when our energy is almost nothing?
How can we find energy, relief, and self regulation through art?
Ooooo I am so excited about getting my hands on this workbook when it is published 🔥🔥🔥
One for @incredibusy!